JUMP TOAPI ReferencesSignature Tool - APIGenerate a sig tool transaction via the apipostAccept a consent dialogpostCancel a signing processpostGet document file cy customer id, request id and file namegetFinish the signing processpostReport starting a signing process to an external status mangerpostGet document by customer id, request id and ridgetCheck if a request is validgetCheck if a participant is the last one that didn't completegetGet the statuses of all of the participants in the transactiongetSignature Tool - CanvasGenerate a transaction via the doc editor(canvas)postConvert the PDF document to images files in parallelpostRedirect to a page in the pdfgetRedirect to the pdf pagegetNotify the status service about an 'Opened' eventpostChecking if the pages conversion has completedgetUpdate the status - saying that the sig tool moved to the page in which the agentpostAudit TrailGet all events for specific master_ridpostGet list of event details in given time rangepostDownload audit trail in pdf formatpostGet download link for pdf containing all events for specific master_ridpostGeneral APIGet bank branch info by bank code and bank branch codegetPowered by Convert the PDF document to images files in parallelpost https://player/api/sign-create/convert-pdf-to-images