
This API returns audit trail as a PDF document.





Required URL Parameters

Customer-id (string)

Data Parameters

The following describe required and optional data parameters.

apiKeystringThe API key for the provided environment.
requestIdstringthe requestId of the specific request (only relevant for forms created with Signature Tool).
fieldsToExcludearrayarray of names of fields to exclude from the audit.
eventsToExcludearrayarray of event types to exclude from the audit.
fieldsToIncludearrayarray of names of fields to include in the audit. If a blank array is sent, all fields will be included.
eventsToExcludearrayarray of names of event types to include in the audit. If a blank array is sent, all fields will be included.
withFormsbooleanIf True, returns the Audit trail with the user generated forms.
useWebhookbooleanIf True, when the request has finished processing, a JSON will be sent to the url in the AUDIT_TRAIL_RETURN_PDF_WEBHOOK_URL environment variable. The JSON is the same format as the one returned in a regular call.

Sample Cal

"apiKey": "123456",
"useWebhook": false,
"eventsToInclude": ["LINK SENT"],
"fieldsToExclude": [],
"fieldsToInclude": [],
"eventsToExclude": [],
"dateTimeFormat": "DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS",
"withForms": true,
"requestId": "93ee0c79-6ace-4cd2-a839-31a6440a16b3"

Success Response

Success or failure is determined by the request’s HTTP status.
200 indicates success. Any other status is erroneous. A successful request returns a JSON with the following keys:

  • pdfRequestId - the id of the PDF creation request. This id is used to download the completed PDF file.
  • pdfRequestUrl - the URL to send the download request to. This url will show the customers base url and the endpoint /api/audit-trail/pdf/download
    "pdfRequestId": <string>,
    "pdfRequestUrl": <string> 

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